We live in a world of interconnected systems. From the intricate web of the internet to the complex network of neurons in our brains, understanding how these connections work is crucial. One key concept in understanding these complex systems is “scale invariance.” This means that the system looks similar at different levels of detail. For […]

Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013065 – Published 17 January, 2025 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.7.013065 Authors: Pablo Villegas (CREF), Andrea Gabrielli (CREF, Roma 3), Anna Poggialini (CREF, Sapienza), Tommaso Gili (IMT Scuola Alti Studi Lucca , ISC) Abstract: Heterogeneous and complex networks represent intertwined interactions between real-world elements or agents. Determining the multiscale mesoscopic organization of clusters and intertwined structures […]

Tropical rainforests exhibit a rich repertoire of spatial patterns emerging from the intricate relationship between the microscopic interaction between species. In particular, the distribution of vegetation clusters can shed much light on the underlying process that regulates the ecosystem. Analyzing the distribution of vegetation clusters at different resolution scales, we show the first robust evidence […]

La resilienza di un ecosistema ai cambiamenti ambientali e indotti dall’uomo può dipendere dal modo in cui sono sono disposti gli impianti del sistema. Formano gruppi o reti irregolari che si estendono su tutto il terreno? Pablo Villegas, insieme ad altri ricercatori, ha ora dimostrato che, in una foresta pluviale tropicale a Panama, le specie […]

la ricerca Responsabili della linea di ricerca Andrea Gabrielli e Fabrizio Coccetti Contenuto scientifico e obiettivi Questo nuovo progetto intende utilizzare i moderni metodi delle reti complesse e dell’intelligenza artificiale per lo studio e l’analisi delle serie temporali connesse ai problemi dell’evoluzione del clima e del loro impatto naturale e sociale. Negli ultimi anni il […]

Renormalization is a technique based on a repeated coarse-graining procedure used to study scale invariance and criticality in statistical physics. Now, an expansion of the renormalization toolbox allows to explore scale invariance in real-world networks. Kostastin Klemmer commented on Laplacian renormalization group for heterogeneous networks Read the Article in PDF

Laplacian renormalization group for heterogeneous networks Authors : Pablo Villegas, Tommaso Gili, Guido Caldarelli & Andrea Gabrielli Published in: Nature Physics 19, pages445–450 (2023) The renormalization group is the cornerstone of the modern theory of universality and phase transitions, and it is a powerful tool to scrutinize symmetries and organizational scales in dynamical systems. However, its application to complex networks […]