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The legacy of Enrico Fermi. The challenges of the future

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FUNFI-IT – Italian Meeting on Fusion Neutrons for Fission

foto di gruppo dei partecipanti al workshop FUNFI IT con la presidente Angela Bracco

At a time when the search for clean and sustainable energy sources is more urgent than ever, hybrid fusion-fission systems emerge as a promising scientific and technological frontier.

On December 11, 2024, CREF hosted FUNFI-IT, the first Italian workshop dedicated to this innovative technology, bringing together leading experts to take stock of the latest research, define the future development lines of Italian projects, and optimize their integration into international ones.

The workshop was organized by ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics), Consorzio RFX (National Research Council), Sapienza University of Rome, University of Genoa (UNIGE), and CREF (Enrico Fermi Research Center).  

The workshop sessions were organized to provide a comprehensive analyse of the current research on hybrid reactors. The presented contributions offered a comprehensive overview of the different configurations and technologies under development, outlining a clear roadmap towards experimental prototypes.

“Italy has a long tradition of research on hybrid reactors,” said Fabio Panza (ENEA) after the event, “with a community of excellent scientists who have been working for over a decade. The collaboration between ENEA, INFN, CNR, Consorzio RFX, and various universities has led to a network of experts capable of addressing all the technological challenges related to this promising energy source. The FUNFI-IT workshop, held at the prestigious Enrico Fermi Research Center, represented a fundamental moment to consolidate this network and define the future development lines of Italian research in the field of hybrid reactors, to contribute to the solution of global energy challenges.”

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