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The legacy of Enrico Fermi. The challenges of the future

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CREF promotes original and high-impact lines of research, based on physical methods, but with a strong interdisciplinary character and in relation to the main problems of the modern knowledge society.

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The CREF was born with a dual soul: a research centre and a historical museum. Its aim is to preserve and disseminate the memory of Enrico Fermi and to promote the dissemination and communication of scientific culture.

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Radio and Hadrontherapy

Head of research
Michela Marafini

Scientific content and goals

Conventional radiotherapy, currently widespread, could change substantially: it has been demonstrated that the administration of a certain dose in a very short period of time increases the effectiveness of the treatment, reducing damage to healthy tissues and limiting the onset of side effects such as secondary tumors. This phenomenon is called the Flash effect.

The FlashDC Project – Flash Dosimeter Counter – is part of Life Science research. In particular, FlashDC aims to experiment with the effectiveness and benefits of applying a high dose rate on tumor cells by developing an innovative detector for the monitoring and characterization of electron beams in Flash mode based on the fluorescence detection technique . To date, the development of tools that allow monitoring of Flash beams represents the greatest obstacle to the real application of this technology.

We intend to proceed with the following activities:

  • Electron beam measurements delivered in flash mode of an optimized monitoring detector system: based on the results obtained in 2022-2023 we want to design and implement a beam monitor system that can be marketed and used in a clinical environment.
  • Analysis of the collected data and characterization of the detector in terms of resolutions in the measurement of the parameters of interest. The prototypes and optimized detectors will therefore be tested in the laboratory and at therapeutic beams in order to verify their correct functioning, to highlight their strengths and to highlight any critical elements.
  • Evaluation through the development of a Monte Carlo simulation of the characteristics of the detector under development, evaluation of the signal and expected funds.


  • SIT Sordina – Aprilia (LT), Italia 
  • Istituto Curie – Paris, France 
  • CNAO – Pavia, Italia
  • GSI – Darmstadt, Germania 
  • APPS – Trento, Italia 
  • FBK – Trento, Italia 
  • Dipartimento SBAI – Università di Roma‚ La Sapienza.
  • Istituto Nucleare di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) 
  • G.Franciosini et al. “GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo simulation of electron and photon interactions for radiotherapy applications” Physics in Medicine and Biology (2023) 68(4),044001 Open Access doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aca1f2
  • G.Cartechi et al. “Loading the tumor with 31P, 63Cu and 89Y provides an in vivo prompt gamma-based range verification for therapeutic protons” Frontiers in Physics (2023) 11,1071981 Open Access doi: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1071981 
  • A.Kraan et al. “Calibration and performance assessment of the TOF-Wall detector of the FOOT experiment” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (2023) 1045,167615 doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2022.167615 
  • M. Toppi et al. “Elemental fragmentation cross sections for a 16O beam of 400 MeV/u kinetic ener- gy interacting with a graphite target using the FOOT E-TOF detectors”. In: Frontiers in Physics 10 (2022) Open Access doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.979229. 
  • Trigilio et al. “The FlashDC project: Development of a beam monitor for FLASH radiotherapy”. In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 1041 (2022). doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2022.167334. 
  • M. Moglioni et al. “In-vivo range verification analysis with in-beam PET data for patients treated with proton therapy at CNAO”. In: Frontiers in Oncology (2022) 12,929949 Open Access doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.929949. 
  • M. De Simoni et al. “A Data-Driven Fragmentation Model for Carbon Therapy GPU-Accelerated Monte- Carlo Dose Recalculation”. In: Frontiers in Oncology 12 (2022) Open Access doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.780784. 
  • A.Kraan et al. “Localization of anatomical changes in patients during proton therapy with in-beam PET monitoring: A voxel-based morphometry approach exploiting Monte Carlo simulations” Medical Physics (2022) 49(1), pp. 23-40 Open Access doi: 10.1002/mp.15336

Il Progetto è stato finanziato dalla Regione Lazio tramite il progetto FlashDC RSI2020. Il finanziamento totale del progetto ammonta a 149,667euro, la parte di finanziamento relativo al CREF ammonta a 81,118 euro mentre la parte relativa al dipartimento SBAI è di 68,558 euro. La durata del progetto è di 30 mesi con inizio ad aprile 2021.

  • Michela Marafini, Ricercatrice CREF 
  • Ricercatori CREF: Marco Garbini 
  • Ricercatori INFN: Giacomo Traini 
  • Prof. Sapienza: Vincenzo Patera, Alessio Sarti, Adalberto Sciubba, Marco Toppi, Angelo Schiavi 
  • Dottorandi, Assegnisti esterni: Antonio Trigilio, Angelica De Gregorio, Gaia Franciosini
  • Borsista (5 mesi, CREF): Annalisa Muscato

Via Panisperna 89 A – 00184 Roma


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