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EEE Collaboration Meeting at CREF

On July 17 and 18, the Collaboration Meeting of the Extreme Energy Events (EEE) Project, an experiment dedicated to the study of cosmic rays and scientific dissemination in schools resulting from the collaboration between CREF and INFN, was held at the Enrico Fermi Research Center (CREF) in Rome.

The President of CREF, Prof. Angela Bracco, and the scientific director, Prof. Andrea Gabrielli, opened the meeting by greeting all participants and emphasizing the centrality of the EEE Project in disseminating scientific culture, an important mission of both institutions.

The Spokesperson, Dr Marco Garbini (CREF), along with  Deputy Spokesperson Dr Francesco Noferini (INFN Bologna), presented an overview of the current status of the experiment, focusing on the restart phase of the experimental activities of the telescopes installed in schools with the new eco-friendly mixture.

Dr. Silvia Pisano (CREF) and Dr. Cristina Ripoli (University of Salerno) contributed by discussing the status of numerous past outreach activities and the future ones to involve students in all experiment phases increasingly.

The first day it ended with a talk by Prof. Francesco Riggi (University of Catania) on the upcoming publication of a report on the 20th anniversary of the EEE Project, which marks its anniversary this year.

The second part of the meeting (July 18) began with a presentation by Dr. Carmelo Pellegrino (CNAF, Bologna) on the EEE Computing infrastructures hosted at CNAF, followed by a session focusing on the status of publications and conferences by  Prof. Riggi. Dr. Francesco Noferini reported on the ongoing and future Physics analysis.

Many ideas emerged during the meeting to enhance all activities. In the second half of 2024, new telescopes are expected to restart data acquisition activities. Data analysis and outreach activities will be strengthened starting from the Run Coordination Meetings.

The project’s next in-person meeting with schools (stay tuned!) has been set for next autumn, right at the CREF headquarters. The Fermi conference room will host EEE students and teachers to bring to life one of the highlights of the EEE Project: the meeting, exchange, and sharing of experiences and knowledge among all who actively participate, including students, teachers, and researchers.

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