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The legacy of Enrico Fermi. The challenges of the future

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Large-scale photonic computing with nonlinear disordered media

Title: Large-scale photonic computing with nonlinear disordered media

Authors: Hao WangJianqi HuAndrea MorandiAlfonso NardiFei XiaXuanchen LiRomolo SavoQiang LiuRachel Grange & Sylvain Gigan


Neural networks find widespread use in scientific and technological applications, yet their implementations in conventional computers have encountered bottlenecks due to ever-expanding computational needs. Photonic computing is a promising neuromorphic platform with potential advantages of massive parallelism, ultralow latency and reduced energy consumption but mostly for computing linear operations. Here, we demonstrate a large-scale, high-performance, nonlinear photonic neural system based on a disordered polycrystalline slab of lithium niobate nanocrystals. Mediated by random quasi-phase-matching and multiple scattering, linear and nonlinear optical speckle features are generated as the interplay between the simultaneous linear random scattering and the second-harmonic generation, defining a complex neural network in which the second-order nonlinearity acts as internal nonlinear activation functions. Benchmarked against linear random projection, such nonlinear mapping embedded with rich physical computational operations shows improved performance across a large collection of machine learning tasks in image classification, regression and graph classification. Demonstrating up to 27,648 input and 3,500 nonlinear output nodes, the combination of optical nonlinearity and random scattering serves as a scalable computing engine for diverse applications.

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