
L’eredità di Enrico Fermi. Le sfide del futuro

Chi Siamo

la ricerca

Il CREF promuove linee di ricerca originali e di grande impatto, improntate ai metodi della fisica, ma con un forte carattere interdisciplinare e in relazione con i principali problemi della moderna società della conoscenza.

Linee di ricerca strutturali
LINEE DI RICERCA individuali
Linee di ricerca in storia della fisica
personale di ricerca

giovani e ricerca

Alta formazione e progetti per giovani ricercatori e ricercatrici

leggi tutto

terza missione

CREF nasce con la duplice anima di Centro di Ricerca e di Museo Storico, con l’intento di conservare e diffondere la memoria di Enrico Fermi, oltre che favorire un’ampia diffusione e comunicazione della cultura scientifica.


Ore 18.30 - 23.00

Evento scientifico aperto


Pubblicazioni, novità, rassegna stampa


progetti finanziati

ScieNcE Together HORIZON-MSCA-2023-CITIZENS-01-01


Progetto: ScieNcE Together HORIZON-MSCA-2023-CITIZENS-01-01 

Type of Action: HORIZON-CSA
Number: 101162609
Acronym: NET 

Duration: 25 months 

Coordinator: CNR

Participant contact for Cref: Miriam Focaccia



Throughout its history, Rome has been a leading centre for culture and science, and still today, the city and its environs are home to Italy’s largest concentration of research centres, laboratories and universities; in fact, one of the largest concentrations in Europe. In 2019, the ScieNcETogether NETwork was established, primarily by those Roman research organizations with a long-standing tradition of interaction and cooperation among themselves and with international scientific contests, and they wanted to lay the foundation for active collaboration in science dissemination. These four years of joint work taught us that to make the Night a more engaging and inclusive experience and address many citizens and young people, joining forces and collaboration is key and brings added value. Consequently, we have developed a formula to celebrate the Night: a major event with researchers from all NET partner institutions and representatives of the stakeholder groups in Rome (the NET village) but, at the same time, we are also aware that celebrating the ERN means feeling part of a larger European community. So, on the one hand, we are inviting the partners’ branch laboratories and research centres scattered all over Italy (20 cities from north to south Italy) to share NET’s objectives and contribute to a national celebration; on the other hand, we have searched for partners/project stakeholders outside Italy that could help us enhance the European and international dimension of the ERN. Having based our communication strategy on Marie Slodowska Curie as NET Night godmother, it has been almost natural to look at Poland (Polish Academy of Sciences), France – (Marie Curie Museum) and Sweden (Tekniska Museet | National Museum of Science and Technology), the three countries that represent three different stages in the scientist’s life. 
