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Mesoscopic Wave Transport in Disordered Optical Systems

Friday November 15th, 11.30 a.m.
Aula Fermi
Talk title: Mesoscopic Wave Transport in Disordered Optical Systems
Speaker: Prof Sushil Mujumdar
Light transport in random or disordered media involves multiple scattering of light waves and their self-interference, which realizes some very exotic phenomena in physics. Originally proposed in the domain of electron transport, these phenomena were rapidly investigated experimentally in the optical domain, with the addition of further attributes such as coherent amplification, nonlinearity, non-Hermiticity, followed by the most recent introduction of quantum light. In this talk, we will provide a brief overview of the historical development of this field, punctuated by a few landmark results. Subsequently, we will discuss some of our own results relevant to non-Gaussian intensity statistics in amplifying diffusive transport, lasing over Anderson-localized modes, and anomalous transport in non-Hermitian systems.
Prof Sushil Mujumdar is the Principal Investigator of the Nano-optics and Mesoscopic Optics Laboratory in TIFR, Mumbai. After his PhD in the Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, he carried out postdoctoral research at LENS, Florence, University of Alberta, Canada, and ETH, Zurich. His expertise covers experimental and computational aspects of random lasing, light localization, near-field microscopy, and quantum optics. He has been awarded merits such as the Ramanujan Fellowship, the National Academy of Sciences Scopus Young Scientist Award, the Swarnajayanti Fellowship, and the P K Iyengar Award for Excellence in Experimental Physics.
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