
L’eredità di Enrico Fermi. Le sfide del futuro

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la ricerca

Il CREF promuove linee di ricerca originali e di grande impatto, improntate ai metodi della fisica, ma con un forte carattere interdisciplinare e in relazione con i principali problemi della moderna società della conoscenza.

Linee di ricerca strutturali
LINEE DI RICERCA individuali
Linee di ricerca in storia della fisica
personale di ricerca

giovani e ricerca

Alta formazione e progetti per giovani ricercatori e ricercatrici

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terza missione

CREF nasce con la duplice anima di Centro di Ricerca e di Museo Storico, con l’intento di conservare e diffondere la memoria di Enrico Fermi, oltre che favorire un’ampia diffusione e comunicazione della cultura scientifica.


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Project Meeting


Pubblicazioni, novità, rassegna stampa


eventi e appuntamenti

Frida Meeting December, 2-3

This year, the FRIDA community will convene in Rome, strategically positioned to attend the prestigious 4th Flash Radiotherapy and Particle Therapy Conference (FRPT 2024) (https://frpt-conference.org/welcome-to-frpt-2024/). FRPT 2024 follows immediately after the FRIDA meeting, offering a seamless transition for attendees.

On December 3rd, the programme will feature two captivating keynote lectures delivered by leading international scientific figures:

9:00 am
Prof. Brian Pogue  “Radiation Chemical measurements in vitro and intra- & extra-cellular in vivo at CONV and UHDR conditions”
10:00 am
Prof. Pierre Montay Gruel “FLASH potential for the treatment of Breast Cancer”

What is FRIDA?

The “FLASH effect” in external beam radiotherapy has the potential to reshape the future of radiation treatments, especially with charged particles, with important implications for many cancer patients. The FRIDA (Flash Radiotherapy with hIgh Dose-rate particle beAms) project addresses several challenges posed by this potential revolution, ranging from mechanistic understanding to effect modeling. FRIDA also aims to coordinate this crucial research and development phase in Italy in the fields of acceleration and therapeutic beam delivery to supply the required dose rates with clinically acceptable accuracy. Clinical implementation of the FLASH effect can only occur if new beam monitoring and dosimetry techniques are developed that can support the very high dose rates required to trigger the FLASH effect. Finally, software tools for FLASH treatment planning are needed to assess the potential of the technique and enable clinical applications.



Project Meeting
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