the institute

The legacy of Enrico Fermi. The challenges of the future

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CREF promotes original and high-impact lines of research, based on physical methods, but with a strong interdisciplinary character and in relation to the main problems of the modern knowledge society.

Principal Research Lines
Individual research areas
History of Physics
Research staff

third mission

The CREF was born with a dual soul: a research centre and a historical museum. Its aim is to preserve and disseminate the memory of Enrico Fermi and to promote the dissemination and communication of scientific culture.

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projects founded

MULTIPASS – MULTIPle trAcker for Secondary particleS monitoring

MULTIPASS – MULTIPle trAcker for Secondary particleS monitoring

Codice Progetto: P2022FZAC3

Coordinatore: INFN Milano

Referente CREF: Michela Marafini

This project aims to develop a new technology for detecting secondary radiation of different types (prompt photons, protons, and neutrons) in the framework of particle therapy. This multipurpose tracker is a compact detector made of plastic scintillating fibers, read by integrated electronics, designed to meet geometry and timing constraints.


The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) “Italy Tomorrow” is a vast program of reforms—including public administration, justice, legislation simplification, competition, and taxation—accompanied by adequate investments.

The PNRR is part of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) program, often also referred to as the “Recovery Fund”, the 750 billion euro package, comprised of approximately half of the grants agreed by the European Union in response to the pandemic crisis. For the first time, common European debt will finance a post-pandemic recovery program for EU countries. The main component of the NGEU program is the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), which lasts six years, from 2021 to 2026, and a total size of 672.5 billion euros.

With the “PRIN 2022 PNRR” call of 14 September 2022 (D.D. 1409/2022), the MUR finances public research projects concerning one of the emerging strategic themes related to the objectives of a cluster of the European Framework Program for Research and Innovation 2021 -2027. The objective of the call is to promote the national research system, strengthen interactions between universities and research bodies in line with the objectives outlined by the PNRR, and encourage Italian participation in initiatives relating to the Union’s Framework Program for Research and Innovation European.


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