the institute

The legacy of Enrico Fermi. The challenges of the future

about us
the organization


CREF promotes original and high-impact lines of research, based on physical methods, but with a strong interdisciplinary character and in relation to the main problems of the modern knowledge society.

Principal Research Lines
Individual research areas
History of Physics
Research staff

third mission

The CREF was born with a dual soul: a research centre and a historical museum. Its aim is to preserve and disseminate the memory of Enrico Fermi and to promote the dissemination and communication of scientific culture.

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Higher education and projects for young researchers

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News, publications, talks, press release



SCOPUS ID: 57194633282

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2313-6221


Research staff

Marcello Calvanese Strinati

I am a researcher at CREF in the computational photonics group. I obtained a degree in Physics at the Sapienza University of Rome and a PhD in Physics at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (thesis topic: Topological effects in one-dimensional quantum systems), spending the last year of his doctorate at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. I have been a postdoctoral fellow for three years at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, working on fundamental aspects of low-dimensional quantum systems in condensed matter and coupled parametric oscillator systems for computational applications (Ising machines).


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