the institute

The legacy of Enrico Fermi. The challenges of the future

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CREF promotes original and high-impact lines of research, based on physical methods, but with a strong interdisciplinary character and in relation to the main problems of the modern knowledge society.

Principal Research Lines
Individual research areas
History of Physics
Research staff

third mission

The CREF was born with a dual soul: a research centre and a historical museum. Its aim is to preserve and disseminate the memory of Enrico Fermi and to promote the dissemination and communication of scientific culture.

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Ritratto di Claudia Scatigno


SCOPUS ID: 57188685202

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9375-8707


Research staff

Claudia Scatigno

I am a Doctor Europaeus in Environmental Analytical Chemistry and Earth Sciences (Joint International Doctorate, La Sapienza University and the Basque Country). I obtained a further PhD in Chemistry in 2021 at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

My current postdoctoral studies range from inelastic neutron vibrational spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, Raman spectroscopies, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy dedicated to the characterization of materials to the statistical analysis of vibrational spectra using Machine and Deep Learning techniques, with applicability in Cultural Heritage and Food Sciences.

I have published more than 40 articles in prestigious journals. I am guest editor of Crystals (Special Issue “Archaeological Crystalline Materials”) and Applied Sciences (Special Issue “Application of Chemometrics and Machine Learning in Cultural Heritage Analysis”). I am the topical Advisory of Applied Sciences, ‘Computing and Artificial Intelligence’ section.


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