CREF promotes original and high-impact lines of research, based on physical methods, but with a strong interdisciplinary character and in relation to the main problems of the modern knowledge society.
The CREF was born with a dual soul: a research centre and a historical museum. Its aim is to preserve and disseminate the memory of Enrico Fermi and to promote the dissemination and communication of scientific culture.
Higher education and projects for young researchers
Since 2019, I have been an associate professor of physics at the Department of Civil, Computer Science and Aeronautical Engineering of the Rome University” Roma Tre.
Since 2021, I have been the Scientific Director of the “Enrico Fermi” Research Center (CREF – of Rome, coordinating the general scientific development of the different research lines.
Before 2019, I had a permanent research position at the Institute of Complex Systems (ISC) of Italian CNR.
During my career, I have had different invited professor and staff member positions in different international scientific institutions: Princeton University, Boston University, and Université Sorbonne of Paris.
My general research interest is in the statistical physics of in and out of equilibrium systems with multidisciplinary applications in different domains ranging from cosmology to long-range interacting systems, fractal growth dynamics and self-organised criticality.
During my career, I worked in statistical physics in equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium systems with physical and interdisciplinary applications, leading to around 130 peer-reviewed scientific publications and one monograph on statistical physics. In the last ten years, the main focus of my research has been the statistical physics of complex networks. In this context, I coordinated a research group working on a new statistical mechanics approach to heterogeneous networks, grounding on a formal mathematical analogy between the Laplacian diffusion time evolution operator in networks and the canonical ensemble measure in statistical physics. This permitted us to introduce a Laplacian entropy and related susceptibility to detect characteristic scales and structures in networks and to generalize the Renormalization Group as defined in statistical physics naturally.
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