
L’eredità di Enrico Fermi. Le sfide del futuro

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la ricerca

Il CREF promuove linee di ricerca originali e di grande impatto, improntate ai metodi della fisica, ma con un forte carattere interdisciplinare e in relazione con i principali problemi della moderna società della conoscenza.

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CREF nasce con la duplice anima di Centro di Ricerca e di Museo Storico, con l’intento di conservare e diffondere la memoria di Enrico Fermi, oltre che favorire un’ampia diffusione e comunicazione della cultura scientifica.


Ore 3 pm



Pubblicazioni, novità, rassegna stampa


eventi e appuntamenti

Multiscalar spatial segregation

Monday 2 November 2024
Aula Touschek
3 pm
Title: Multiscalar spatial segregation
Abstract: The talk introduces an analytical framework for examining socio-spatial segregation across various spatial scales. This framework considers regional connectivity and population distribution, using an information theoretic approach to measure changes in socio-spatial segregation patterns across scales. It identifies scales where both high segregation and low connectivity occur, offering a topological and spatial perspective on segregation.
Illustrated through a case study in Ecuador, the method is demonstrated to identify disconnected and segregated regions at different scales, providing valuable insights for planning and policy interventions.
The Speaker: Elsa Arcaute is Professor of Complexity Science at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London, and a fellow and university team lead of the Alan Turing Institute (UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence). She holds a master’s and a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Cambridge. Her research expertise lies in modelling urban systems from the perspective of complexity science, to gain insights into resilience and sustainability.
This seminar is being organized by Sony CSL as part of the scientific collaboration with CREF
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