The Liceo Scientifico Scorza of Cosenza, one of the historical schools of the EEE project, has stipulated a collaboration protocol with the Montescuro Aeronautical detachment to study the links between cosmic rays and meteorology as part of a PCTO aimed at three-year classes in astrophysics and space technologies, On April 30th, on the occasion of […]
Tropical rainforests exhibit a rich repertoire of spatial patterns emerging from the intricate relationship between the microscopic interaction between species. In particular, the distribution of vegetation clusters can shed much light on the underlying process that regulates the ecosystem. Analyzing the distribution of vegetation clusters at different resolution scales, we show the first robust evidence […]
The resilience of an ecosystem to environmental and human-induced change may depend on how the system’s plants are arranged. Do they form patchy clumps or networks extending over the whole terrain? A team of researchers in Italy, led by Pablo Villegas, has now shown that, in a tropical rainforest in Panama, the dominant plant species […]
April 23, 10 pm -18 pm Workshop, Aula Fermi, Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi Capabilities, GVCs and productive complexity: Comparing frameworks to explore the green transition and supply chain vulnerability The workshop aims to explore the structural transformations and the accumulation/dispersion of capabilities within productive systems in this era of green transition and heightened supply chain vulnerability. […]
Scientist, politician and entrepreneur Orso Mario Corbino could intuit the potential of the new ideas appearing in the physics of the early twentieth century and give institutional and financial support to their realization. To pay homage to Corbino, SIF is publishing this year, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Society, an anthology […]
CREF Talk February 7, 2024 – 3 PM Speaker Enrico Fenoaltea The Stable Marriage Problem: properties and models In this talk, I will begin by providing an overview of the Stable Marriage Problem (SMP): a game-theoretical model that addresses the stable matching of individuals based on their preference lists. Initially introduced by mathematicians Gale and […]
Laplacian Renormalization Group for heterogeneous networks: information core, entropic transitions and scale transformations Andrea Gabrielli (University of Roma 3) Tuesday, March 26 2024, 16:00 → 17:30 Europe/Rome Aula Conversi (Dip. of Physics – Building G. Marconi) Complex networks often exhibit a rich architecture organized over multiple intertwined scales. Information pathways are expected to pervade these scales, reflecting structural […]
E’ possibile combattere il surriscaldamento del clima e allo stesso tempo fare bene all’economia? Perché laddove ci sono disuguaglianze di reddito, l’investimento in tecnologie verdi è più costoso? Di queste e altre domande si è discusso ieri a Roma al Cnel in un incontro organizzato dal Centro Ricerche “Enrico Fermi”, dall’istituto di economia della Scuola […]
How can you see something so small that even a powerful microscope can’t magnify enough? The particles studied in physics are invisible to our eyes, but we can “see” them thanks to the traces they leave as they pass, for example in a gas. Each has its own movement, a kind of unique fingerprint that […]
Si è appena concluso ai Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro dell’INFN, il meeting generale del progetto EEE Extreme Energy Events – La Scienza nelle Scuole: un progetto di citizen science sull’origine dei raggi cosmici realizzato in collaborazione tra il Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi (CREF) e l’INFN. All’evento hanno partecipato in presenza, oltre a ricercatori e ricercatrici, un centinaio […]