The Enrico Fermi Research Center has among its objectives the advanced training of young scientists through the financing of PhD scholarships in Physics and Engineering, to be carried out at the CREF, in agreement with public universities. There are currently 18 active PhD scholarships. December 5, 2023, PhD students at the Enrico Fermi Research Center […]
Ecology of Online Social Interactions CREF Talk December 6, 2023 15h, Aula Fermi Speaker Sandro Meloni IFISC Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (CSIC-UIB), Palma de Mallorca Abstract Online social networks have significantly changed global communication dynamics and, in general, the way we interact. Along with these profound effects on our society, they also […]
Si è appena concluso ai Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro dell’INFN, il meeting generale del progetto EEE Extreme Energy Events – La Scienza nelle Scuole: un progetto di citizen science sull’origine dei raggi cosmici realizzato in collaborazione tra il Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi (CREF) e l’INFN. All’evento hanno partecipato in presenza, oltre a ricercatori e ricercatrici, un centinaio […]
Accurate data-driven models for epidemic spreading are crucial to the understanding of epidemic dynamics and the design of suitable non-pharmaceutical interventions. One main feature of social networks is group mixing, as highlighted by the widely observed differences in the density of social ties between and within groups of similar individuals in real-world networks. In this […]
AN OPEN QUESTION BETWEEN PHYSICS AND PHILOSOPHY December, 12th 3 pm-7 pm Venue: Aula Fermi, Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi Entrance from: Piazza del Viminale 1, 00184 Roma The Enrico Fermi Study and Research Center (CREF) will host a workshop exploring concepts and theories about the nature of time in Physics and Philosophy. The passage […]
Press Release: Is Dark Matter in Galactic Disk? Download the PDF version[ In a nutshell In a recent study, a group of researchers at CREF, led by Francesco Sylos Labini, introduced the dark matter disk model, reshaping our interpretation of the dynamics of disk galaxies. This model offers a fresh perspective on the long-standing puzzle surrounding […]
Come si fa a vedere qualcosa di così piccolo che neanche un potente microscopio riesce a ingrandire abbastanza? Le particelle che si studiano in fisica sono invisibili ai nostri occhi, ma le possiamo “vedere” grazie alle tracce che lasciano al loro passaggio, per esempio in un gas. Ognuna ha un movimento tutto suo, una specie […]
CREF TALK November 8th, 2.30 pm Venture Capital Networks Marta Zava, Department of Finance of Bocconi University In the dynamic realm of early-stage investments, startups and venture capital firms engage in a thrilling dance of risk and reward, seeking the next big breakthrough in a vibrant ecosystem dominated by the right connections. Networks pervade the […]
CREF TALK November 16th, 2023 – 2.30 pm Phase transitions in the nucleus of cells shape genome folding and function Mario Niccodemi, Department of Physics, University of Naples “Federico II” and INFN, Naples, Italy. In the nucleus of cells, the human genome has a complex 3D organization that serves vital functional purposes as, for instance, […]
Roma capitale della scienza per la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori e delle Ricercatrici di NET 2023 Il 29 e 30 settembre 2023 un partenariato d’eccellenza composto da Enti di Ricerca ed Università accoglie il pubblico nella cornice della Città dell’Altra Economia al NET Village, con tanti appuntamenti gratuiti per diffondere la cultura scientifica. Roma 25 […]